A to the C to the E. Where to stay in Palm Springs?
This question is easy to answer as this hotel is the quintessential Palm Springs: The ACE Hotel. It fits equally into the urban likewise rural environment, has a contemporary at the same time retro charme while being partly on the edge of shabby and chic. Comfort and style interact with a calculated imperfection. The rooms are generous and most offer a lovely mountain view as the buildings are all two-storied at a max. The interior is quite minimalistic but the perfect mix of wood, metal and patterned fabrics makes it cozy. Premium grooming products of local niche brands as well as the well-equipped minbar with big bottles of solid Gin, Vodka and a fine selection of other spirits round off the experience of a four star design hotel. In Palm Springs you will definitely meet the L.A. stereotype of hip, tattooed people working in fashion, photography or media e.g., who are busy with themselves (and with taking selfies at the pool). But the entire picture is enjoyable as a visitor who doesn't take this scenery too serious but enjoys the easy life of traveling. Check the ACE Hotel in Palms Springs and other across the US here.
Check the ACE Hotel in Palms Springs and others across the US online.